Teaching is an immensely fulfilling yet challenging profession. According to the National Education Association, 90% of educators say feeling burned out is a serious problem. Teachers spend entire days focusing on the needs of their students, while often neglecting their own needs. Unfortunately, this only leads to further feelings of burnout. Instead, teachers must practice self-care and prioritize their well-being. While this may feel selfish at first, remember that by taking time to meet your needs, you will be better able to meet the needs of your students. The question then becomes, what self-care methods work best for you? Remember that self-care can take many different forms. The methods that work for one person may not work for another. The key is to find activities that make you feel good and recharge your batteries so you can be the best teacher possible. Identifying those hobbies or moments that can transform your day can be the difference maker between experiencing immense burnout by further disappointing yourself and your students. Interested in learning more about which self-care methods work best for you? Take a moment to read on to the ideas shared within the infographic supported alongside this post.